• Welcome to Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE)
  • mohre@um.edu.my

MORES Hot Topic Webinar (2022/2023)

The Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) Programme, jointly developed by the Faculty of Medicine of University Malaya and the Berman Institute of Bioethics, John Hopkins University proudly presents you our Hot Topics in Research Ethics Webinar.

The session, titled "Ethics of Gene Editing and Genetic Selection," featured Professor Julian Savulescu, FAHMS, from the National University of Singapore, as the esteemed speaker.During this webinar, Professor Savulescu, a renowned figure in the field of bioethics, delved into the intriguing realm of gene editing and genetic selection. The comparison between gene editing of human beings and genetic selection of embryos was examined, along with an exploration of the enhancement revolution and its implications. The session also addressed the moral obligation to pursue research in human gene editing, taking into consideration the principle of "procreative beneficence" when selecting the best child. Moreover, Professor Savulescu outlined a translational pathway for ethically justified first-in-human trials of gene editing and evaluated the recent calls for a moratorium on gene editing.

We would like to thank all participants and attendees of the event. Do contact us via e- mail at mohre@um.edu.my for more details or inquiries on our programme.

We would like to acknowledge that the programme is funded by the Fogarty International Center of the United States National Institutes of Health (Grant R25TW010891).

Click here to watch webinar recording!