• Welcome to Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE)
  • mohre@um.edu.my

MORES Hot Topic Webinar Series

15th October 2020  

The Master of Health Research Ethics (MOHRE) Programme, jointly developed by the Faculty of Medicine of University Malaya and the Berman Institute of Bioethics, John Hopkins University proudly presents you our first Hot Topics in Research Ethics Webinar. Delivered by one of the world renowned bioethicists, Prof. Dr. Nancy E. Kass, the webinar entitled "COVID- 19 vaccine challenge studies: What are the ethics of deliberately infecting participants to speed up the science?" will discuss the ethics principles behind these arguments. We hope that this webinar will be able to engage experts from all around to further enhance our knowledge in research ethics, with a specific focus on the development of the COVID- 19 vaccine.  

To view the recording of the webinar, please go to: Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics webpage.  

We would like to thank all participants and attendees of the event.  

Do contact us via e- mail at mohre@um.edu.my for more details or inquiries on our programme.  

We would like to acknowledge that the programme is funded by the Fogarty International Center of the United States National Institutes of Health (Grant R25TW010891).